Iguazu National Park, National Park Amazing

igacu or commonly known igazu is a national park located in the ParanĂ¡ states, Brazil.
The park is built on 10 January 1939 it has:
Size 186,262.5 hectares
420km long
on 17 november 1986, UNESCO held a meeting which took place in Paris, states that national parks igazu this as a natural heritage of humanity and one of the forest area for conservation of the largest in South America
igazu name itself comes from the river igazu, which is located 50 km from the famous waterfall

This is the first park in brazil who can receive the program management.

The most spectacular of these garden tours are Iguacu falls, a waterfall that is always full of visitors karen admiration they see the water foam that falls down from a height of 72 m

Title: Iguazu National Park, National Park Amazing
Posted by:Riszky Nurseno
Published :2011-04-02T08:27:00-07:00
Rating: 3.5
Reviewer: 5 Reviews
Iguazu National Park, National Park Amazing

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