Morning Glory Pool, Swimming Thousand Faces which Colorful Show

One more miracle of nature that we admire worthy, Morning Glory Pool, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA. Swimming 'a thousand faces "because of the color appearance of a colorful, blue, green, yellow, orange, brown tembaga.Fenomena this magic makes Morning Glory Pool is very famous in the world as a tourist destination. Each year approximately 3 million more visitors come here to witness the miracle of this pool. Perhaps, this pond has been there and called "morning glory pool 'since 1880.

For decades it has proved a popular tourist attraction.
And while the Morning Glory Pool in Wyoming with its stunning colours continues to attract visitors from around the world its appearance has undergone a dramatic change.
Just a few decades ago, the natural hot spring was a distinctive blue colour.
But now it has taken on a deep green hue with a distinct yellow and red ring around its circumference.
Two uniqueness of Morning Glory Pool water contained in a different color and also the formation of a pool of hot water. Heated pool has a different color. Factors causing color change was due to the number of bacteria that live in water. Glory Pool itself was formed by the earthquake that erupted to come out as hot springs.

Title: Morning Glory Pool, Swimming Thousand Faces which Colorful Show
Posted by:Riszky Nurseno
Published :2011-04-14T11:27:00-07:00
Rating: 3.5
Reviewer: 5 Reviews
Morning Glory Pool, Swimming Thousand Faces which Colorful Show

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